
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Will Stoller Lee with the Greenburg Center - December 1, 2021 - KRDO‘s Afternoon News
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
The Greenberg Center for Learning and Tolerance is pleased to announce the screening of Red Horizon, a documentary film about a new generation of aviators who are dedicated to continuing the legacy of the historic Tuskegee Airmen. These young African American men and women are pursuing their dream of becoming pilots and aircraft technicians and are inspiring others to take to the skies and to change the racial imbalance in the world of aviation. To Watch the Trailer: https://vimeo.com/561451381
Prior to the 1940s, young African Americans who aspired to become pilots faced significant obstacles and even overt racism including the belief that African Americans could not learn to fly or to operate sophisticated aircraft. A small airstrip in Tuskegee, AL, changed all of that and prepared a generation of more than 1,000 courageous pilots and aircraft mechanics during WWII.
In the U.S. today, African Americans comprise 13.6 percent of the population. However, African American pilots and aviation mechanics still make up only a small fraction of professionals working in the aviation industry. Founded in 2015 by Lieutenant Colonel Rich Peace and Brigadier General Williams Sparrow, the Red Tail Scholarship Foundation is working hard to train a new generation of Tuskegee Aviators and inspire others to chase their dreams.
Tickets are $5: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/red-horizon-tickets-210326962607
More Info About the Film: https://www.redhorizonfilm.com/