
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
I’m Dying, How Are You? - It’s About Time
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
How are we supposed to live with the knowledge that we, and everyone we love, are here for only a limited time? Most of us try to avoid thinking about it, but in this episode I recommend a different approach, one that can truly help you fall in love with the life you actually have, no matter what that looks like for you on any given day. Engaging with the light and the dark, the full spectrum of living, is one of the surest paths to deeper, more fulfilling, more satisfying life and relationships.
In this episode we talk about:
- My husband’s dance with cancer and our dance with his mortality
- We can’t fully feel joy unless we also let ourselves feel other emotions
- Everyone has pain in life, the key is to integrate it
- Living with an awareness of mortality is the best path to a life you truly love
For estate planning and elder law in Colorado: Hammond Law Group
Catherine’s book Hope-Less: The Truth About Hope and Where to Find It: Hope-Less

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Making Friends with the Crazy in Leadership and Life - It’s About Time
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Many people think that once you have career success you no longer have problems with confidence. If you’ve achieved success, the voices that tell you you’re not good enough or can’t handle whatever challenge is in front of you can still be loud. And they’re liars. Today’s guest is Donna Carlson, an accomplished leader herself who is committed to bringing the mental monkeys out of the closet so that we can make friends with them and unleash our own brilliance. Donna shares her own story of trying to hold it together at work when internally things felt like they were falling apart. Listen in to learn how to normalize the conversation about mental wellbeing at work.
Connect with Donna Carlson on LinkedIn: Donna's LinkedIn profile
Donna’s website and link to her book: Crazy as Usual
For estate planning and elder law in Colorado: Hammond Law Group
Catherine’s book Hope-Less: The Truth About Hope and Where to Find It: Hope-Less

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Hard and Tender Conversations - It’s About Time
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
If you’re anything like me there might be some conversations you shy away from having. What is it that really gets in the way? This episode explores the things we don’t want to talk about and why you might want to go ahead and have the conversation anyway. It’s about time we got real with each other, and that’s what we’re doing in today’s solo episode.
For estate planning and elder law in Colorado: Hammond Law Group
Catherine’s book Hope-Less: The Truth About Hope and Where to Find It: Hope-Less