Thursday Sep 24, 2020
The Extra with Shannon Brinias - September 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
On KRDO's "The Extra" Thursday, our topic was the Fountain Creek watershed. The watershed is a crown jewel for our region - with its diverse wildlife, abundant recreational opportunities, and as an economic driver.
The Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District is the governmental agency charged with managing this 927 square-mile footprint of land and water from Palmer Lake to Pueblo. Guests Bill Banks and Alli Schuchs, the district's Executive Director and Outreach Coordinator respectively, joined host Shannon Brinias to talk about how the watershed works, what the District does to maintain and improve it, and the upcoming Creek Week Cleanup to get volunteers involved in this important work. More information can be found at fountain-crk.com and Fountain Creek Week.