Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Better Business Bureau - July 14, 2021 - The Extra with Shannon Brinias
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
On Wednesday's "The Extra", The age of which scammers target continues to get lower and the Better Business Bureau is seeing an increase in the number of teens under the age of 18 fall victim to scams. Contrary to what many believe, The Better Business Bureau has found that young people are at far greater risk of being scammed than seniors. In 2020, 56.6% of people age 18-24 who were exposed to a scam ended up losing money. By contrast, fewer than one third (31.9%) of those 65-plus who were exposed lost money. Guests today included Jonathan Liebert, CEO of the BBB of Southern Colorado and Adah Rodriguez, VP Operations and Development, BBB of Southern Colorado. For more information: BBB.org/scamtracker , stopfraudcolorado.gov, and ftc.org .