Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
The Extra with Shannon Brinias - December 2, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
What would you do with $5 million to help your community? The City of Colorado Springs' Community Development Division needs to prioritize how to spend approximately $5 million to support affordable housing, homelessness prevention, economic development, non-profit assistance and neighborhood improvements for low-income populations. The City receives this money through a federal block grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). On Wednesday's "The Extra", guests Barb Van Hoy with the City of Colorado Springs and Beth Roalstad, Executive Director, Homeward Pikes Peak, discussed how the 2021 Action Plan is developed and why community input is needed, in advance of a live virtual event Wednesday night that is open to public participation. The event runs from 6pm to 7pm and can be accessed by going to coloradosprings.gov/cosaction2021. There, you can also find out information about obtaining an interpreter or taking part in a text survey. More information about Homeward Pikes Peak can be found here: homewardpp.org.