Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
The Extra with Shannon Brinias - Cody Wigner - February 2, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
On Tuesday's "The Extra", host Shannon Brinias was joined by Cody Wigner, assistant area wildlife manager for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, as their staff is preparing to move about 20 bighorn sheep from the Rampart herd near Garden of the Gods to Beaver Creek canyon below the Skaguay Reservoir dam south of Victor in Teller County. This is a major project that involves baiting the sheep daily for a month prior to the capture date. CPW officers will erect a large net that resembles a circus tent, lure the sheep underneath it using apple pulp and hay and dropping it. The sheep will be trucked and airlifted into the canyon. We are hoping to replace an historic herd that collapsed several years ago due to disease. More information can be found at CPW.state.co.us/bighorn and a video showing a similar translocation is here.