Thursday Aug 06, 2020
The Extra with Shannon Brinias - August 6, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
On Thursday's "Extra" show, host Shannon Brinias talked about the Backpack Bash initiative, in which 10,000 backpacks filled with donated school supplies are being distributed to children in need across the Pikes Peak Region. The Backpack Bash is part of the Pikes Peak United Way's Colorado Springs Promise program. Shannon was joined by program director, Elizabeth Quevedo. While donations have been collected, there are still ways to volunteer for this effort. If interested, listeners can go to ppunitedway.org. If families are interested in receiving a backpack for their child, the final distributions will take place from Aug. 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the following locations:
- Doherty High School, 4515 Barnes Road
- Tri-Lakes YMCA, 17250 Jackson Creek Pkwy in Monument