Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Military Child Month - April 21, 2021 - The Extra with Shannon Brinias
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
April is Month of the Military Child. On Wednesday's "The Extra", host Shannon Brinias talked to guests about ways to support, celebrate and advocate for military children. Guests Justin Schmitt, AVP of Corporate Responsibility with USAA and Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO of Blue Star Families talked about the resources available, ways civilians and military parents can find ways to support these children, and the results of the Blue Star Families' 2021 Military Family Experience Survey. More information and resources can be found at BlueStarFam.org/survey. This week, wear purple to show your support and post on social media with the hashtag #PurpleUp! Also, a giveaway is underway to help the cause; military children and families can enter for a chance to win an Xbox at jomygosh.com.