
Wednesday May 22, 2019
KRDO Afternoon News with Ted Robertson - Dennis Will - May 21, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
If you experienced downed trees in the recent snowstorm, you can report the issue online. City Forester, Dennis Will, says the department gives priority to downed and damaged city trees and trees in the public right of way. Crews usually focus on trees blocking the public right of way or pose a danger to the public.
Please note: the City does not respond to trees down on private property unless power lines are involved or lives are endangered.
To report a downed tree, log on to coloradosprings.gov/downtree
If you spot a downed or damaged tree in power lines or downed power lines, please call Colorado Springs Utilities at 719-448-4800.
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