
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management Deputy Director, Lonnie Inzer, explains what's being accomplished to help the community endure and recover.
PPROEM has been:
- Distributing supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile, community donations, and everywhere else we can find them to support first responders, healthcare workers, front-line public servants.
- Coordinating a community outpouring of help and donations - Thank you! To medical clinics, schools, utility companies, body art salons, all kinds of businesses and many, many individuals: donated PPE, handmade masks and sewing, volunteer help with meal delivery and other critical needs to help neighbors
- Working on future planning for community needs in coming weeks: alternate care sites, ongoing testing, homeless isolation shelter, testing sites, continuing resource needs and coordination
- Coordinating all the information: about the medical facts, about safety, about public health orders... fielding public questions and helping people with concerns (like food and rent) SO many questions!
- PLANNING FOR RECOVERY and all the state and federal requirements needed to be sure our community is represented and supported
The message to the community:
Abiding by the stay-at-home order is important to save lives and prevent a catastrophic impact on our healthcare system. Please stick with it all the way. If you need assistance, reach out - by phone or online, of course.
http://elpasocountyhealth.org Call with questions for for assistance: (719) 575-8888, Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. and Saturday-Sunday, 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
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