Friday Jun 03, 2022
Dr. Simone Wildes ABC News - June 3, 2022 - KRDO’s Morning News
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
As of June 2, 2022, there are 22 presumptive or confirmed monkey pox cases across several U.S. states, including California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. The most recent presumptive cases were reported in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Chicago. But the World Health Organization has said it doesn't believe this will turn into a pandemic. Dr. Wildes has been kept pretty busy at her hospital doing research on it and can answer all of your questions about who's at risk, vaccine stockpiles and if we need to worry about "variants" of this too. Plus: The W.H.O has also reported that 650 children across the globe have been found to have probable cases of severe hepatitis with an unknown cause. Approximately one third of these cases have been detected in the U.S. Of the 650 probable cases, at least 38 or 6% of children have required transplants, WHO officials said. And finally: Despite signs that the latest COVID-19 surge in the Northeast may be abating, more than 110,000 children tested positive for the virus, last week, new data from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) reveals. This marks the seventh consecutive week of increases, and the highest weekly total since late February.