
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Brad Garrett - ABC News - March 2, 2023 - KRDO’s Afternoon News
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
For three years we have anguished over how COVID 19 became a worldwide pandemic, killing over seven million people, dramatically changing each and every one of our way of life -- without knowing definitively how it all started. The U.S. Department of Energy, who have many renowned scientists, recently stated that it is more likely the virus was released because of a lab accident at the Wuhan lab -- and which the FBI has been saying since April 2020. But the story is still somewhat of a mystery, much like the cases Brad spent years investigating, where investigators have their own theories. Was this intentional by the Chinese (less likely); a lab accident (more reasonable); or did it start with contaminated animals who passed it to humans at a Wuhan market as originally hypothesized? The Wuhan lab has deep expertise researching coronavirus, but it is cloudy as to why. Possibilities run the gamut from a potential biological threat (which it sadly became) or as a defense if China came under biological attack itself. Now here at home, the FBI looks to their own scientists (it has many), and others to pinpoint the origin. Proving one of these scenarios will have to come from human sources (those that worked in the lab or for the Chinese government), phone intercepts, recorded conversations and many other investigative techniques (i.e. spy work). Working investigations in foreign locations where we are not welcome creates many obstacles -- but it’s not impossible. The bottom line is it is absolutely essential to get to the bottom of the origin of the origin of the coronavirus that spawned COVID because it is frankly scary that a possible, simple accident in Wuhan, China could set off a devastating pandemic that circled the globe. Think of it this way: imagine what a terrorist could do, procuring something far more deadly than COVID 19. Brad will discuss what the FBI may be doing to support their belief this was a lab accident.